14 Mayıs 2019 Salı
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Transcription: I was born in 1957 in Muskegon, Michigan to a multi-generational incest based family. My father had been sexually abused as a child, my mother has been sexually abused as a child and they were sexually abusing me. The fact that I had been so horribly abused as far back as I can remember, and I have heard my father often brag that he was "substituting his penis for my mothers' nipple", while I was still an infant -- which confused my sexuality and put it into an area of my brain that was akin to survival, it was like breathing and eating to me. And even though I couldn't comprehend that what my father was doing was morally wrong, I experienced the pain and the suffocation of his abuse just the same. As a result I suffered from, what's known today as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Dissociative Identity Disorder was formerly termed Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) but I am so glad that they changed the name because that is not an accurate description of what Dissociative Identity Disorder is. I didn't have multiple personalities, in fact I, I had less than one, because the personality that I would have developed was absolutely s*attered, before I had a chance to become myself. Dissociative Identity Disorder is professionally defined as the minds sane defence to trauma too horrible to comprehend. It's termed the minds sane defence because what actually happens is there is a compartmentalisation of memory that occurs within the brain, where the neuron pathways actually physically shut down, and compartmentalise in a little area of the brain, memory of that traumatic event, so that the rest of the mind can function normally as though nothing had happened. This is what makes Dissociative Identity Disorder difficult to identify and makes mind control difficult to see, it's an invisible menace, that's been unleashed on our society by a handful of criminals, just a small handful, and it is inexcusable that good people allow this small handful of criminals to continue their rein (rain = natural element) of terror and their rein (rain) of power on all of us. This criminal faction of government, this criminal faction in control of the US government was very much interested in targeting children like myself, who suffered from Dissociative Identity Disorder for absolute Mind Control because they considered that this compartmentalisation of memory, would be ideal for compartmentalising government secrets, and behind these amnesic barriers of this compartmentalised memory is a photographic memory, because it is a natural process and a natural function of the brain to photographically record events surrounding trauma therefore they knew that behind the amnesic barriers, messages, certain, certain orders would be photographically recalled when accessed. Additionally, when a person suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder they develop 44 times visual acuity, 44 times visual acuity is what often creates that wide-eyed look of people that have been so horribly traumatised. It is as though they have eyes in the back of their head and they are trying to absorb everything from all around them, so they can see that horrible trauma before it happens and somehow defend themselves against it. This 44 times visual acuity means that they can see 44 times better than the average person, this was certainly targeted for mercenary and paramilitary operations, military intelligence and espionage because when a person has that kind of pin-point vision they'd be far more likely to hit their targets when they're, when they're shooting. Additionally, compartmentalised memory, if memory is being compartmentalised into different areas of the brain and a person is functioning through this compartmentalised memory, they don't remember what happened before and therefore they don't know to be tired, they don't know to be worn out, they don't know to be exhausted and therefore they feel just as fresh as if they hadn't done anything, so physical endurance is increased dramatically with Dissociative Identity Disorder.
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13 Mayıs 2019 Pazartesi
Yazı Suudi Arabistan Mekke-"Accredited Times" internet haber sitesinden dilimize tarafımdan çevrilmiştir. İslamcı Suudi Gay hareketince yazılmıştır.
Peygamberin kavmi necip milleti onu böyle takdir etmiştir. Müslüman olduk diye Arapların peygamberlerinin namusunu savunmak bize düşmez. Çünkü Araplarda böyle işler ekmek su gibi doğaldır. Bilginize.
01.Şubat. 2019
Resimde "Müslüman LGTB ile dayanışmaya geçin" yazıyor. |
Suudi Arabistan-Mekke (Accredited Times Haber sitesi)- Bazı aşırı sağ İslamofobiciler, Hz.Muhammet (Sav) yi barbar davranışları nedeniyle yerden yere vurmaktadırlar. Kâfirlere karşı sebepsiz savaşlarından bahsederek onu kan dökücü tiran olarak tanımlıyorlar. Altı yaşındaki Ayşe ile evliliğinden ve dokuz yaşındaki karı kocalık ilişkisine bakarak “çocuk tecavüzcüsü” diyorlar. Sidik içmeyi savunduğu için ise şarlatan diyorlar.
Muhammed çağına ve yaşına göre oldukça ilericiydi ve Kritik Yarış Teorisi o zaman olsaydı Baskın Çıkanlar Piramidinde yüksek bir derece elde ederdi. Öne çıkan tarihi kayıtlara göre Muhammed gaydi veya en azından biseksüeldi.
Saygın, şöhretli İslami metinlerde kanıtlandığına göre, pizzagate terminolojisinde kullanılan tabirlere göre Muhammed, peynirli pizza ilaveli sosisli sandviç severdi.
Hadis Numarası 16245-Muaviye ibn Ebu Sufyan’dan alınan bir hadiste; “Peygamber (Sav), Ali’nin oğlu Hasan’ın dilini, dilinin üstüne koyarak emdiğini gördüm, Allah’ın selamı üstüne olsun.” Demektedir.
…O(Peygamber),Hasan’ın gömleğini kaldırdı ve küçücük penisini öptü.”
Majma al Zawa’id Ebu Bekr’den bir başka hadis; Ali İbn Ebu Bekir, Al Haytami, Ali’nin öteki oğlu çocuk Hüseyin’e aynı şeyi yaptığını; “Allah’ın elçisini (SAV),Hüseyin’in bacaklarını ayırarak onun küçücük penisini öptüğünü gördüm” diyerek onaylamaktadır.
Diğer ünlüler de Muhammed’in ağzıyla penis ve dil emme tutkusuna tanıklık etmektedirler.
Örnek olarak, kuzeniyle evlenerek, , peygamberin seks peşrevlerini tecrübe eden, doğruluğu ile bilinen dördüncü Halife Ali’yi doğuran peygamberin halası Fatıma Binti Esadı gösterebiliriz. Fatıma’ya göre; “Ali’ye adını veren Muhammed’di ve Ali’nin ağzına dilini sokarak, kendisi uyuyuncaya kadar emmesine izin verirdi”
Kur’an Tur 52;24 ayetinde “52; 24. “Çevrelerinde, kendilerine özgülenmiş genç uşaklar dolaşır; sanki sedeflerinde saklı inciler.” Derken, Sure 76: 19 ayet” Çevrelerinde, gördüğünde saçılmış inciler sanacağın, hep aynı gençlik ve güzellikte kalacak hizmetçiler dolaşır.” Diyen ayetleriyle eşcinselliğe destek vermektedir. Başka bir deyişle bir cihat savaşçısı, canlı bomba da kendisine ödül olarak verilecek 70 adet bakire yani, 70 adet “sedeflerinde saklı inciler” olarak tanımlanmış genç oğlanlar için kâfirleri öldürmektedir.
"Allah eşitliği sever" pankartı var. Davut yıldızı da. |
Her ne kadar Kur’an İncil hikâyesindeki Sodom ve Gomora’ya atfen, örneğin Şuara Suresi 26;165-166’da aslında “erkeklere karşı cinsel saldırıyı” yani “zinayı” mahkûm etmiştir. Hiçbir yerde Muhammet homoseksüelliği mahkum etmemiştir
Salih Buhari, İslam’ın temelinden Kur’an’ın kendisine uzanan konularda genel olarak Hadis yazarlarının en ünlüsü olarak hürmet edilen biridir. El Buhari’nin hadisleri peygamber Muhammet’in, ergenlik çağına yakın seçilmiş, çok özel “oğlan hizmetçiler” i (Kitap 52-Hadis Numarası 143) kendisini hizmet ettirdiğini, bu çocukların ona yıkanırken, vücudunun en mahrem yerlerinin yıkanmasında eşlik ettiklerini, hatta homoseksüel seksi de peçelemediklerini de onaylamaktadır(Kitap 4 Hadis 153-54)
Muhammed’in çocuk gelinleri, peygamberin oğlan hizmetçilerle banyoda yaptığı seks esnasında menilerinin bulaştığı elbiselerin üzerindeki izlerini yıkıyorlardı.(Kitap 4-hadis 229)
Hadis Numarası 2393;El Buhari, benzer şekilde Muhammed’in “karşı cinsin elbisesini giydiğini” özellikle Ayşe’ninkini bize göstermektedir. Buhari’ye göre, peygamber Muhammet “kadın elbisesi giydiğimde bana vahiy gelmemektedir ama Ayşe’nin ki hariç” diyerek kadın elbisesi giydiğini kabul etmiştir. Homoseksüel toplumlarda kadın elbisesi giymek bu gün de yaygındır.
Yaptığı işlere bakılırsa, Muhammed Kinsey Ölçeğine göre en azından “4” puan yapardı ve bu gün yaşasaydı, çiçeği tam açmış bir homoseksüel olarak yaşamını sürdürebilirdi.
"Müslüman Trans gençleri destekleyin" yazıyor. |
Şaşırtıcı olmayan bir şekilde “en tutucu İslami ülkelerde eşcinsellik uygulamaları çok yaygındır. Afganistan’da Baka Bazi oğlanları (dansçı oğlanlar) bir model/normdur. Amerikan askerlerinin olağan bildirilerinde bu faaliyet, bir Afgan erkek çocuğa dostane bir yaklaşımdı ve ertesi akşam bu çocuklar Amerikan askerlerine tiksinmelerine rağmen ikram edilirlerdi. Onbaşı Lance Gregory Buckley bu uygulamaya karşı çıktığında Afgan bölge polis şefi Server Can ve onun “çay oğlanı”Aynuddin onu öldürdü. Amerika’nın ilk gay başkanı Obama döneminde, askeri personele, ülkede Amerika’nın müttefiki kalmayacak şekilde davranışlara göz yumulmasını emredildi.
Reşit olmayan erkeklere yönelik davranışlar açıkça yasaklanmasına rağmen, İslam'ın LGBT yanlısı olduğu ve Muhammed'in rutin olarak erkek-erkek oral seks, dil güreşi ve çapraz giyinme de dâhil olmak üzere eşcinsel davranışlarla meşgul olduğu açıktır. Muhammed bir eş cinseldi.
Türkçeye Çeviren
Alaeddin Yavuz
Metzitzah B'peh adı verilen sünnet çocuğunun çükünü emme geleneğini sapkınlık olarak yorumlayan bir video İngilizcedir.
Metzitzah B'peh adı verilen sünnet çocuğunun çükünü emme geleneğini sapkınlık olarak yorumlayan bir video İngilizcedir.
Metzitzah B'peh adı verilen sünnet çocuğunun çükünü emme geleneği
Suudi Arabistan LGTB Hareketi; Arabistan en yüksek gay ve çocuk cinsel istismar oranına sahip ülke
Arap, İran geleneklerinde bebeklerle cinsellik gelenekleri
Kanadalı Arap vaiz Muhammet'in Ayşe ile evliliğini ve çocuklarla cinselliğini savunuyor;
Haberin Suudi Arabistan basınındaki İngilizce orjinali;
Muhammad Was Gay
February 1, 2019
Mecca, Saudi Arabia (Accredited Times) — Many far right Islamophobes have slammed the Prophet Muhammad (peace be unto him) for his supposedly “barbaric” conduct. Citing his unprovoked wars on infidels, they routinely call him a bloodthirsty tyrant. Citing his marriage to 6-year-old Aisha and his consummation of the marriage when she turned nine, they call him a child rapist. Citing his advocacy of pee drinking, they call him a quack.
But Muhammad was actually quite progressive for his age and would have scored highly on the Oppression Pyramid had Critical Race Theory existed in his day. Most notably, the historical record reveals that Muhammad was gay — or, at a minimum, bisexual.
Numerous reputable Islamic texts prove that Muhammad loved “hot dogs” in addition to “cheese pizza,” as used in the Pizzagate terminology.
Hadith Number 16245 from the hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan states: “I saw the Prophet — peace be unto him — sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. . . . He (the Prophet) lifted up his (al Hassan’s) shirt and kissed his (little) penis.”
Another hadith from Majma al-Zawa’id, Ali ibn Abu Bakr, al-Haythami, confirms that Muhammad likewise fellated another male child named Husein: “I saw the Messenger of Allah (peace be unto him) putting Husein’s legs apart and kissing his (little) penis.”
Other reputable witnesses confirm Muhammad’s penchant for fellatio and “tongue sucking.” For example, Fatimah bint Asad, Muhammad’s aunt, married her cousin and gave birth to the fourth “rightly guided caliph,” Ali, who experienced the Prophet’s sexual overtures. According to Fatimah, “it was the prophet who named him Ali, and the prophet spat in Ali’s mouth and then allowed him to suck on his tongue until he fell asleep.”
The Qu’ran similarly has clear references in support of homosexuality, including Surah 52, verse 24, which states, “And there shall wait on them [the Muslim men] young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.” Surah 76, verse 19 likewise states, “They shall be attended by boys graced with eternal youth, who will seem like scattered pearls to the beholders.” In other words, after a suicide bomber kills infidels in a fit of Sudden Jihad Syndrome, he is awarded 70 virgins — 70 “young boys” “as fair as virgin pearls.”
Although the Qu’ran references the Biblical story of Lot and Sodom, the Qu’ranic condemnation is for forced approaches on men (sexual assault) and on adultery, not on homosexuality (see, for example, Surah 26, Verses 165-66). Nowhere does Muhammad himself actually condemn homosexuality.
Salih al-Bukhari is generally regarded as the most reputable of all authors of the hadith, which form the basis of Islam, along with the Qu’ran itself. Al-Bukhari’s hadiths confirm that Muhammad selected specific “boy servants” “nearing the age of puberty” to “serve” him (Book 52, Hadith 143) and that these servants accompanied him on “baths,” including “wash[ing] his private parts” (Book 4, Hadith 153-54), a not-so-veiled reference to homosexual sex. Muhammad’s female child brides typically “washed the traces of semen from the clothes of the Prophet” after his baths with his boy servants (Book 4, Hadith 229).
Hadith Number 2393 from Al-Bukhari similarly indicates that Muhammad enjoyed cross-dressing, at least in Aisha’s clothing. According to Al-Bukhari, Muhammad admitted that “the inspiration did not come upon me when I was in a woman’s garment, except that of Aisha.” Drag is popular in the homosexual community even today.
Based on his conduct, it’s clear that Muhammad likely would have scored at least a “4” on the Kinsey Scale and might have lived life as a full-blown homosexual had society been more welcoming of homosexuality in his day.
Unsurprisingly, the most fundamentalist Islamic countries have the most widespread homosexual practices. In Afghanistan, “bacha bazi” — “boy play” — is the norm. American soldiers have routinely reported that acting in a friendly manner towards an Afghan male child has often resulted in the child being presented the next evening for the soldiers, to their disgust. When Lance Corporal Gregory Buckley fought back against the conduct, Afghan District Police Chief Sarwar Jan and his “tea boy” Aynoddin killed him. During the Obama administration, America’s “first gay president,” ordered military personnel to condone the conduct lest America be left with no allies in the country.
Mitingçi Suudi Gay imam efendi. |
Although conduct toward underage males should obviously be prohibited, it’s clear that Islam is pro-LGBT and that Muhammad himself routinely engaged in homosexual conduct, including male-to-male oral sex, tongue wrestling, and cross-dressing. Muhammad was gay.